|WU/T welcome|21+ IC&OOC|
|Crystal, Diabolos |
| Central Standard Time (CST)|
|Last Update: 03/21/2024|


A Viera who is more than meets the eyes. Most are drawn to her sexual nature. However, many don't get to see what lies beyond the veil. This Viera has seen plenty in her years of life and is hardly ever shocked by human nature.Her body holds scars, but her heart holds even more. Perhaps you've heard the rumors? Perhaps you just wish for an intimate evening with the pale woman dressed in shadows?No matter the reasoning, once you have met Fae Ren there is no forgetting this melancholic seductress.

What's the matter-afraid of Temptation?

NAME Fae Ren SanjaBIRTH NAME Sonja KisneALIAS Ms. Ren, Rain dropRACE Viera [Veena]GENDER Cis Female [She/Her]SEXUALITY PansexualROLE Switch, Dominate leanALLIGNMENT NeutralMBTI INFJ-T -AdvocateNAMEDAY
1st Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
AGE 51 summersGUARDIAN Menphina [The Lover]

MASK She is never seen without it. Always covering her eyes.(The Mask is solid, NOT see-thru) Many rumors have circulated as to why.SCARS Fae is riddled with scars on her body. Mostly concentrated on her legs, shoulders, neck, and chest. The biggest one is on her right thigh

TAROT CARD Three of SwordsACENDANT/SUN/MOONScorpio/Sagittarius/CancerFLOWER Lycoris radiataRELATIONSHIP STATUS Polyamorous // BondedPRIMARY PARTNER
Batuhan Sanja -Bonded to
PARTNERS ----MOTHER OF Mercy SanjaVOICE CLAIM Assaj Ventress-Star Wars: The Clone WarsCURRENT RESIDENCE The Brimming Heart in The GobletOCCUPATION CourtesanEscort at PBM nightclub & loungeDancer Manager at UnderworldDancer Manager/ Tarot Reader at The Prophet Lounge


Emotionless Girl//Sugar-and-Ice Personality//I Just Want to Be Free//The Empath//Prefers Proper Names//Aloof Dark-Haired Girl//Big Sister Instinct//Femme Fatale//High-Class Call Girl//My Girl Is a Slut//The Oldest Profession//Dominatrix//Defrosting Ice Queen//Friend to All Children//Not So Stoic//The Stoic//Wise Beyond Their Years//Mama Bear//But I Can't Be Pregnant!

Personality Traits

Melancholy//Lack of self preservation

Constitution⯁ ⯁ ⯁


Dexterity Fae is a dancer and previously in her life she was a hunter. Being fast on her feet has kept her alive.Aetheric Manipulation Fae is able to use Aetheric manipulation to heal. Although the healing is weak, it has helped in dire situations.Archery A skill she learned growing up, Fae is skilled with a bow and has used it for hunting.Tending to the Earth A skill she picked up in her time in Golmore. Fae is talented with plants and making sure it's the correct time to grow and then harvest. She uses this skill to feed her family.Herbalism Another skill learned from the women of the village. Fae isn't proficient with this however she does know a few herbs to help the sick and wounded and how to prepare them.Morin Khuur An instrument she was taught to play by her teacher Ichika Ren to enhance her skills as a courtesan. She is proficient at performing and spends her time plucking away at the instrument.Dance Another skill taught to her by her teacher Ichika Ren. Given Fae's Dexterity, this skill came naturally to her under Ichika's guidance.Divination a skill she has used for herself or loved ones, however a skill she learned from someone in her past. This has helped with providing services to clients.

On the Subject of the Family Tree, Fae {Sonja Kisne} was born of Yena Kisne & Rit Djt-Marouc. Both parents are deceased. Fae {Sonja Kisne} is the older sister of Asger Djt-Marouc {Toshizo Ren}. Fae Ren {Sonja Kisne} later bonded with Batuhan Sanja and birthed one Daughter Mercy Sanja.


Mask To see her without it would be shocking. She always has the cloth placed over her eyes, shielding her from the world.Eternal Bonding Ring Two golden bands, one adorned with a black gem in the center. Always is found on her left hand's ring finger.Golden Heart-shaped Locket
A gift from her Husband. The content inside are not well known to others but she seems to guard this treasure with her life.


NAME Fae Ren SanjaBIRTH NAME Sonja KisneALIAS Ms. Ren, Rain dropRACE Viera [Veena]GENDER Cis Female [She/Her]SEXUALITY PansexualROLE Switch, Dominate leanALLIGNMENT NeutralMBTI INFJ-T -AdvocateNAMEDAY
1st Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
AGE 50 summersGUARDIAN Menphina [The Lover]TAROT CARD Three of SwordsACENDANT/SUN/MOON Scorpio/Sagittarius/CancerFLOWER Lycoris radiataRELATIONSHIP STATUS Polyamorous // BondedPRIMARY PARTNER
Batuhan Sanja -Bonded to

VOICE CLAIM Assaj Ventress-Star Wars: The Clone WarsCURRENT RESIDENCE The Brimming Heart in The GobletOCCUPATION CourtesanEscort at PBM nightclub & loungeDancer Manager at UnderworldDancer Manager/ Tarot Reader at The Prophet Lounge

StatLevel out of 5
Constitution⯁ ⯁ ⯁


MASK She is never seen without it. Always covering her eyes.(The Mask is solid, NOT see-thru) Many rumors have circulated as to why.SCARS Fae is riddled with scars on her body. Mostly concentrated on her legs, shoulders, neck, and chest. The biggest one is on her right thigh


Emotionless Girl//Sugar-and-Ice Personality//I Just Want to Be Free//The Empath//Prefers Proper Names//Aloof Dark-Haired Girl//Big Sister Instinct//Femme Fatale//High-Class Call Girl//My Girl Is a Slut//The Oldest Profession//Dominatrix//Defrosting Ice Queen//Friend to All Children//Not So Stoic//The Stoic//Wise Beyond Their Years//Mama Bear//But I Can't Be Pregnant!

What's the matter-afraid of Temptation?

The Hunter

Location Golmore Jungle

//Born as a Veena, yet raised by Rava within the Golmore Jungle. She may refer to herself as Veena or Rava depending on the situation. She sees both as true.

// Her mother passed while birthing her younger brother Asger. After which Sonja raised her brother as if he was her own child.

// Sonja spent her time in the village tending to the plants and hunting.

// Sonja Befriended a Rava named Vjid and the two started to build romantic feelings for one another. This was a test of traditions verus the heart, and in this situation Tradition won when Vjid betrayed her.

// Sonja does not speak of her father or his passing before Asger was finally taken into the jungle to become a Wood-warder.

//Something happened in Golmore for Fae to give up her life there. She expresses how much the 'green way' and traditions have hurt her and others whom she cares for.

//Fled Golmore at the age of 40. There is a lot of speculation as to why. And the Viera tends not to speak of what happened that night.

//Fae has a troubled past with the jungles. She also did not leave there quietly. Perhaps you've heard the stories of the Veena who left the jungle with blood on her hands. Maybe you were even there during that time. Perhaps you are even sent to retrieve her for her crimes.Please note: If you wish to explore this we will need to plan OOC beforehand.

The Dancer

Location Kugane

//After fleeing Golmore , Sonja found herself in Kugane where she had to make a new name for herself and a new way of life.

// Sonja was found by the mother of one of the local brothels, Ichika Ren. Ichika took her under her wing giving her a new name (Fae Ren) and a place to start over.

// Fae would begin her training to become a courtesan. She learned the art of dance and music under Ichika's watchful eye.

// Fae worked under Ichika for some time before she eventually ventured into other cities to countuine her work. In fear of Viera from Golmore finding her, Fae countuined to travel and move from Brothel to Brother and even freelanced herself as a courtesan.

Location Ul'dah

// While working as a courtsan Fae started to be able to provide for herself, claiming a home in the Brimming heart and countuining her services.

// During this time Fae would come across individuals who were touched by the void. Instead of Fear, Fae decided to start servicing some of these individuals to provide them a safe place to 'feed'.

// Fae would meet people who would touch her life in one way or another. She loved and lost, was scared more by her trials and tribulations but she preservered on.

// It would be after a great loss that Fae would meet her now Husband Batuhan Sanja who forever changed her life. A man seeking to learn how to be a courtesan quickly became more than a pupil. Although she tried not to, Fae fell in love and her journey truly began then.

The Mother

Location Kugane,Ul'dah & Limsa Lominsa

// As previously mentioned, Fae fell in love with Batuhan Sanja. Both worked through the demons that surrounded them.

// They became bonded as of January 20, 2023 and have lived and worked together since. It's hard to see one without the other.

// After much pain and grief the Sanja's were blessed with a little one on April 20, 2024. They named their Child Mercy Sanja.

//Mercy was named after what they considered this child to be, a small little mercy in their lives.

// Fae now spends her days with her family, working still as a courtsan, and tending to their garden . Many have seen her in the markets of Kugane selling her produce.

What's the matter-afraid of Temptation?



Rules of Play

In Character & out of character are two different thingsI am not my character. If you are interested in the character Fae then great. But please realize I am not her. Roleplay is not real life. Please know the difference before engaging in roleplay with me.

21+ Roleplay only.: I engage in mature roleplay. Please do not attempt to RP if you are under the age of 21, If I find this to be the case you will be blacklisted.

Respect me Out of character: If you are looking for an IRL relationship, then keep looking you won't find this with me. I am in a monogamous long-term relationship and request that it be respected.

Rp Tag means good to go: If I have my rp tag on then feel free to approach me in either Tell or Say. If it's busy say chat you are better off sending me a tell. If my tag is not on, still feel free to send me a tell about possible future rp.

Para+Multi-Paragraph: I am a para/multi-para Roleplayer. Please if you are a one-liner type of writer, just don't try to engage with me.

OOC Planning/Walk Ups Welcome: Either is fine for Roleplay. Feel free to send a tell and we can discuss what/where you would like the story to go.

Mature RP:

Once again I engage in mature roleplay. Which could include subjects that are triggering. Some of these subjects with Fae include but are not limited to (highlight to show): Sexual Assault, Fertility, Violence, and Heavy BDSM themes. If any of these themes are uncomfortable for you please consider not engaging or perhaps discussing these with me. I am big about checking in and comfort.

What's the matter-afraid of Temptation?

❝He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend I had none.❞

Batuhan Sanja Carrd //Bonded [January 20, 2023]

❝Daughter, my beautiful Daughter❞

Mercy Sanja Daughter DOB┊┊[April 20, 2024]

❝Seeing such bright star... Shining in the night with such vivid beauty..❞

V Crush // Feeder

❝Thank you, for always being there.❞

Alkaid Zecht Carrd // Best Friend

❝Know that I am --here for you, my other half is an extension my soul and I will never abandon my soul for anything❞

Lucien Verandis Carrd // Enemies&Lovers

❝What a beautiful life you live now, Darling, please, continue to be happy. Not that I actually care, of course.❞

Gaves Hillvack Carrd // Former Lovers

❝Take time for yourself, just like you have taken time for others.❞

Greyson Raven Carrd // Friend

❝ Raised you as if you were my child.I would be the only mother you would remember.❞

Asger Djt-Marouc Brother

❝I've taught you so well dear❞

Ichika RenCarrd // Mentor // Friend

❝You'll never touch me again.❞

Vjid Enemy

Grant Lockheart

Fae, if someone needs to go down to protect you, I will gladly be your spear.

You have always been my supporter. Seeing my potential even when I was unable to see it myself. If I needed it? You were there.Always the first to congratulate my accomplishment and for that Grant dear, I will always think of you fondly.

Then I say to hells with these fates. Chart your own path. Determine your own fate. That, to me, is a life truly fulfilled
-Grant Lockheart

Pyralis Cevas


It was all a lie, wasn't it?My lover, I fell for you harder than I would allow myself to admit. I was afraid to lose you. I was afraid to never see your face again. Funny how fear will bring out emotions that you've kept hidden deep away. Neither of our hands are clean. But that doesn't mean we don't deserve the happiness we find in one another.

Drawn like a moth to the flames.

N’ ye ready ta trust me. Ta give me every. Single. Ilm. Of. Ye.The tip o’ ye ears to the bottom of ye feet. I want it all.

I'm afraid I'm fallin' hard for ye, love. Ye got me so hooked I'm afraid what happens if ye run out of patience fer me. Fer desire.


My lover, I fell for you harder than I would allow myself to admit. I was afraid to lose you. I was afraid to never see your face again. Funny how fear will bring out emotions that you've kept hidden deep away. Neither of our hands are clean. But that doesn't mean we don't deserve the happiness we find in one another.

❝Drawn like a moth to the flames.❞ -Fae

❝N’ ye ready ta trust me. Ta give me every. Single. Ilm. Of. Ye.The tip o’ ye ears to the bottom of ye feet. I want it all.❞ -Pyralis

❝I'm afraid I'm fallin' hard for ye, love. Ye got me so hooked I'm afraid what happens if ye run out of patience fer me. Fer desire.❞ -Pyralis
